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报告地点:教学行政楼 706 会议室

报告时间:2024-10-18 从 15:00 到 16:00



刘澜波,美国康涅狄格大学终身教授(荣休), 山东大学特聘教授。北京大学地球物理学本科、硕士;斯坦福大学土木与环境工程硕士、地球物理学博士;卡耐基研究院博士后。曾任斯坦福大学Blaustein客座教授、卡耐基研究院成员,长期致力于构造物理,工程与环境地球物理研究。入选中国教育部“海外名师”、美国国务院富布赖特学者(Fulbright Scholarship)等。曾任美国宇航局(NASA)戈达德航天中心暑期研究员、美国陆军工程兵外聘专家、斯伦贝谢-道尔研究中心客座研究员等。曾任Geophysics和Journal of Environmental & Engineering Geophysics副主编,以及Journal of Applied Geophysics、Geodesy and Geodynamics和Journal of Earth Science等期刊编委。 刘澜波教授承担过美国国家科学基金(NSF)、美国国土安全部(DHS)、美国联邦地质调查局(USGS), 中国国家自然科学基金(NSFC),中国科技部(MOST)等多项研究项目。

报告题目:Fast computation of topography induced stress field and its scientific & engineering applications



他在ScienceTectonicsJournal of Geophysical Research等发表论文百余篇Google scholar被引5000多次。曾受邀在斯坦福大学、哥伦比亚大学、北京大学、麻省理工学院、耶鲁大学,爱丁堡大学,乌普萨拉大学等十多个国家的上百所高校做学术报告。 LiuZobackSegall 利用现代GPS观测技术和传统的大地测量技术来研究板内地震震间应变积累并由此估算大地震重发周期的研究是在这一领域最早的开创性工作,其结果在Science(《科学》)期刊上发表并引起广泛关注。刘澜波关于电磁波在复杂地形条件传播的成果获得了美国陆军工程兵研发成就奖、美国陆军部技术卓越研发成就奖。刘澜波教授现在韩国釜山国立大学作为韩国自然科学基金会邀请的客座研究员进行地震地质灾害方面的研究。


Most mineral and energy resource exploration and geotechnical engineering projects are conducted in the shallow depth (above 10 km) of the earth where both material property and physical condition are highly heterogeneous. Undoubtedly, the stress state variation caused by the topography is one of the heterogeneities and significant enough to be neglected. We adopted the perturbation approach and proposed an approximation algorithm (Liu and Zoback, 1992, JGR) to account for the topographic effect on the stress state in the shallow depth of the earth. The algorithm summarizes the zero-order effect generated by the gravitational vertical load and the first-order effect generated by the secondary horizontal basal shear induced by the vertical load. The zero-order problem can be solved by the convolution of the topographic elevation and the Green’s function of the Boussinesq’s Problem, while the first-order problem can be accounted by the solution of the zero-order problem and the Green’s function of the Cerruti’s Problem. By this approach we can estimate the stress due to the topographic load at any field point in the ground. With the superposition of the regional tectonic stress, we can estimate the hypothetic ‘in-situ’ stress state for any given region. I applied this method to estimate the topography effect on stress state in the Cajon Pass Scientific Drilling Project in South California, and the Sichuan-Tibet region, where the great Sichuan-Tibet Railway (STR) passes through with many tunneling projects along the route, to illustrate the theory and application.