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Star-Planet Interactions


报告时间:星期一,2015-07-20 10:00 - 11:30

报告人:David Alexander





New planets are being discovered regularly around other stars.  The Kepler mission is able to detect close to Earth-sized planets in the calculated habitable zones of their parent stars.  The dramatic growth of exoplanet research in astronomy and its emphasis on discovering potentially habitable planets around other stars is a rich area for collaboration between space physicists and astronomers.  Understanding the possible habitability of such planets requires a deeper knowledge of how the stars and planets interact and, in particular, what role magnetic fields play in this interaction.  This, in turn, requires a broad range of expertise covering stellar magnetism, stellar variability, exoplanet discovery and characterization, and, most importantly, space plasma physics.  We are well placed within the solar and space physics communities to make significant and unique contributions to this growing discipline.  In this talk I will outline the general approach to exploring star-planet magnetic interactions utilizing our knowledge of the Sun’s interactions with the Earth, Saturn and Jupiter as calibration points and the rich array of modeling such systems.