



导师关键词:院士 教授 中高层大气研究  国家杰出青年  桃李满天下


其带领的团队近6年来,在本领域国际顶级期刊Journal of Geophysical Research“中高层大气”领域发表论文50余篇,数量仅次于美国国家大气科学研究中心(NCAR),国际同类研究机构和大学中排名第二。他悉心指导培养学生,2009年获得教育部全国百篇优秀博士论文指导教师奖;积极推动空间物理学科的发展,在中国科学技术大学建立了中高层大气研究团队,并作为中国科学院近地空间环境重点实验室主任,带领该实验室在2014年五年一度的评比中被评为优秀实验室(优秀率为20%)。窦贤康在中高层大气理论、观测与实验相关领域的研究在国内是开拓性的,特别是将仪器研发、观测和理论研究相结合,在中高层大气动力学和光化学研究中做出了具有国际影响的创新性贡献。




















1)      Dou, X.K., Han, Y.L., Sun, D.S., Xia, H.Y., Shu, Z.F., Zhao, R.C., et al. (2014). Mobile Rayleigh Doppler lidar for wind and temperature measurements in the stratosphere and lower mesosphere. Optics Express, 22(17), A1203-A1221, doi:10.1364/oe.22.0a1203.

2)      Dou, X.K., Li, T., Tang, Y.H., Yue, J., Nakamura, T., Xue, X.H., et al. (2010). Variability of gravity wave occurrence frequency and propagation direction in the upper mesosphere observed by the OH imager in Northern Colorado. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 72(5-6), 457-462, doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2010.01.002.

3)      Dou, X.K., Li, T., Xu, J.Y., Liu, H.L., Xue, X.H., Wang, S., et al. (2009). Seasonal oscillations of middle atmosphere temperature observed by Rayleigh lidars and their comparisons with TIMED/SABER observations. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 114, doi:10.1029/2008jd011654.

4)      Dou, X.K., Qiu, S.C., Xue, X.H., Chen, T.D., & Ning, B.Q. (2013). Sporadic and thermospheric enhanced sodium layers observed by a lidar chain over China. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 118(10), 6627-6643, doi:10.1002/jgra.50579.

5)      Dou, X.K., Scialom, G., & Lemaitre, Y. (1996). MANDOP analysis and airborne Doppler radar for mesoscale studies. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 122(534), 1231-1261.

6)      Dou, X.K., Testud, J., & Amayenc, P. (1997). Tests of spaceborne rain radar retrieval algorithms by simulation. Chinese Science Bulletin, 42(5), 402-405, doi:10.1007/bf02884232.

7)      Dou, X.K., Testud, J., Amayenc, P., & Black, R. (1999). The parameterization of rain for a weather radar. Comptes Rendus De L Academie Des Sciences Serie Ii Fascicule a-Sciences De La Terre Et Des Planetes, 328(9), 577-582, doi:10.1016/s1251-8050(99)80153-0.

8)      Dou, X.K., Xue, X.H., Chen, T.D., Wan, W.X., Cheng, X.W., Li, T., et al. (2009). A statistical study of sporadic sodium layer observed by Sodium lidar at Hefei (31.8 degrees N, 117.3 degrees E). Annales Geophysicae, 27(6), 2247-2257, doi:10.5194/angeo-27-2247-2009.

9)      Dou, X.K., Xue, X.H., Li, T., Chen, T.D., Chen, C., & Qiu, S.C. (2010). Possible relations between meteors, enhanced electron density layers, and sporadic sodium layers. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 115, doi:10.1029/2009ja014575.

10)    Ban, C., Li, T., Fang, X., Dou, X.K., & Xiong, J.G. (2015). Sodium lidar-observed gravity wave breaking followed by an upward propagation of sporadic sodium layer over Hefei, China. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 120(9), 7958-7969, doi:10.1002/2015ja021339.

11)    Dang, T., Lei, J.H., Dou, X.K., & Wan, W.X. (2015). Feasibility study on the derivation of the O+-O collision frequency from ionospheric field-aligned observations. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 120(7), 6029-6035, doi:10.1002/2015ja020987.

12)    Gao, Q., Chu, X.Z., Xue, X.H., Dou, X.K., Chen, T.D., & Chen, J.S. (2015). Lidar observations of thermospheric Na layers up to 170km with a descending tidal phase at Lijiang (26.7 degrees N, 100.0 degrees E), China. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 120(10), 9213-9220, doi:10.1002/2015ja021808.

13)    Gu, S.Y., Dou, X.K., Lei, J.J., Li, T., Luan, X.L., Wan, W.X., et al. (2014). Ionospheric response to the ultrafast Kelvin wave in the MLT region. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 119(2), 1369-1380, doi:10.1002/2013ja019086.

14)    Gu, S.Y., Li, T., Dou, X.K., Wang, N.N., Riggin, D., & Fritts, D. (2013). Long-term observations of the quasi two-day wave by Hawaii MF radar. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 118(12), 7886-7894, doi:10.1002/2013ja018858.

15)    Gu, S.Y., Liu, H.L., Pedatella, N.M., Dou, X.K., & Liu, Y. (2017). On the wave number 2 eastward propagating quasi 2day wave at middle and high latitudes. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 122(4), 4489-4499, doi:10.1002/2016ja023353.

16)    Gu, S.Y., Liu, H.L., Pedatella, N.M., Dou, X.K., & Shu, Z.F. (2016). The quasi-2day wave activities during 2007 boreal summer period as revealed by Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 121(7), 7256-7268, doi:10.1002/2016ja022867.

17)    Han, Y.L., Dou, X.K., Sun, D.S., Xia, H.Y., & Shu, Z.F. (2014). Analysis on wind retrieval methods for Rayleigh Doppler lidar. Optical Engineering, 53(6), doi:10.1117/1.Oe.53.6.061607.

18)    Huang, F.Q., Dou, X.K., Lei, J.H., Lin, J., Ding, F., & Zhong, J.H. (2016). Statistical analysis of nighttime medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances using airglow images and GPS observations over central China. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 121(9), 8887-8899, doi:10.1002/2016ja022760.

19)    Lei, J.H., Dou, X.K., Burns, A., Wang, W.B., Luan, X.L., Zeng, Z., et al. (2013). Annual asymmetry in thermospheric density: Observations and simulations. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 118(5), 2503-2510, doi:10.1002/jgra.50253.

20)    Lei, J.H., Forbes, J.M., Liu, H.L., Dou, X.K., Xue, X.H., Li, T., et al. (2011). Latitudinal variations of middle thermosphere: Observations and modeling. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 116, doi:10.1029/2011ja017067.

21)    Luan, X.L., Dou, X.K., Lei, J.H., & Jiang, G.Y. (2012). Terdiurnal migrating-tide signature in ionospheric total electron content. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 117, doi:10.1029/2012ja018199.

22)    Qiu, S.C., Tang, Y.H., & Dou, X.K. (2015). Temperature controlled icy dust reservoir of sodium: A possible mechanism for the formation of sporadic sodium layers. Advances in Space Research, 55(11), 2543-2565, doi:10.1016/j.asr.2015.02.011.

23)    Qiu, S.C., Tang, Y.H., Jia, M.J., Xue, X.H., Dou, X.K., Li, T., et al. (2016). A review of latitudinal characteristics of sporadic sodium layers, including new results from the Chinese Meridian Project. Earth-Science Reviews, 162, 83-106, doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2016.07.004.

24)    Ruan, H.B., Lei, J.H., Dou, X.K., Wan, W.X., & Liu, Y.C.M. (2014). Midnight density maximum in the thermosphere from the CHAMP observations. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 119(5), 3741-3746, doi:10.1002/2013ja019566.

25)    Ruan, H.B., Wang, W.B., Dou, X.K., Yue, J., Du, J., & Lei, J.H. (2017). A simulation study of seasonal variations in the thermospheric upward propagation of migrating terdiurnal tide. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 122(3), 3737-3747, doi:10.1002/2016ja023761.

26)    Shangguan, M., Xia, H.Y., Wang, C., Qiu, J.W., Shentu, G.L., Zhang, Q., et al. (2016). All-fiber upconversion high spectral resolution wind lidar using a Fabry-Perot interferometer. Optics Express, 24(17), 19322-19336, doi:10.1364/oe.24.019322.

27)    Shangguan, M.J., Xia, H.Y., Wang, C., Qiu, J.W., Lin, S.F., Dou, X.K., et al. (2017). Dual-frequency Doppler lidar for wind detection with a superconducting nanowire single-photon detector. Optics Letters, 42(18), 3541-3544, doi:10.1364/ol.42.003541.

28)    Shu, Z.F., Dou, X.K., Xia, H.Y., Sun, D.S., Han, Y., Cha, H., et al. (2012). Low Stratospheric Wind Measurement Using Mobile Rayleigh Doppler Wind LIDAR. Journal of the Optical Society of Korea, 16(2), 141-144, doi:10.3807/josk.2012.16.2.141.

29)    Tang, Y.H., Dou, X.K., Li, T., Nakamura, T.J., Xue, X.H., Huang, C., et al. (2014). Gravity wave characteristics in the mesopause region revealed from OH airglow imager observations over Northern Coloradom. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 119(1), 630-645, doi:10.1002/2013ja018955.

30)    Xia, H.Y., Dou, X.K., Shangguan, M.J., Zhao, R.C., Sun, D.S., Wang, C., et al. (2014). Stratospheric temperature measurement with scanning Fabry-Perot interferometer for wind retrieval from mobile Rayleigh Doppler lidar. Optics Express, 22(18), 21775-21789, doi:10.1364/oe.22.021775.

31)    Xia, H.Y., Shangguan, M.J., Shentu, G.L., Wang, C., Qiu, J.W., Zheng, M.Y., et al. (2016). Brillouin optical time-domain reflectometry using up-conversion single-photon detector. Optics Communications, 381, 37-42, doi:10.1016/j.optcom.2016.06.050.

32)    Xia, H.Y., Shangguan, M.J., Wang, C., Shentu, G.L., Qiu, J.W., Zhang, Q., et al. (2016). Micro-pulse upconversion Doppler lidar for wind and visibility detection in the atmospheric boundary layer. Optics Letters, 41(22), 5218-5221, doi:10.1364/ol.41.005218.

33)    Xue, X.H., Dou, X.K., Lei, J., Chen, J.S., Ding, Z.H., Li, T., et al. (2013). Lower thermospheric-enhanced sodium layers observed at low latitude and possible formation: Case studies. Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 118(5), 2409-2418, doi:10.1002/jgra.50200.

34)    Yang, C.Y., Li, T., Dou, X.K., & Xue, X.H. (2015). Signal of central Pacific EI Nino in the Southern Hemispheric stratosphere during austral spring. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 120(22), doi:10.1002/2015jd023486.

35)    Zhao, R.C., Dou, X.K., Sun, D.S., Xue, X.H., Zheng, J., Han, Y.L., et al. (2016). Gravity waves observation of wind field in stratosphere based on a Rayleigh Doppler lidar. Optics Express, 24(6), A581-A591, doi:10.1364/oe.24.00a581.

36)    Zhao, R.C., Xia, H.Y., Dou, X.K., Sun, D.S., Han, Y.L., Shangguan, M.J., et al. (2015). Correction of temperature influence on the wind retrieval from a mobile Rayleigh Doppler lidar. Chinese Physics B, 24(2), doi:10.1088/1674-1056/24/2/024218.

37)    Zhong, J.H., Lei, J.H., Dou, X.K., & Yue, X.N. (2016). Assessment of vertical TEC mapping functions for space-based GNSS observations. Gps Solutions, 20(3), 353-362, doi:10.1007/s10291-015-0444-6.