李俊伦,1982年出生,中国科学技术大学地球和空间科学学院教授,博士生导师,地球与行星物理专业主任,2017年12月初全职回国工作。2004年及2007年分别获得南京大学本科及硕士学位,2013年获得美国麻省理工学院地球物理博士学位。2013年9月至10月在麻省理工学院从事博士后研究,随后加入壳牌国际石油勘探与开发公司(休斯顿),任地球物理研究员(research geophysicist),期间在水力压裂微地震和油、气田诱发地震等方面的研究中做出了非常重要的贡献,研究成果得到广泛应用,取得了重要的经济及社会价值,多次得到嘉奖。现致力于:(1)微地震、诱发地震各个方面的研究,(2)将被动源方法应用于油气、矿产资源勘探,(3)将勘探地震中的偏移、全波形成像方法应用于大地球物理研究,(4)深度学习在数据处理和反演中的应用,(5)以及新型地震仪器设备的研制。
1. 非常规油气水力压裂微地震监测
2. 油气开采诱发地震
3. 基于深度学习的地震数据自动分析和结构反演
4. 背景噪声近地表成像
5. 地震全波形成像
6. 新型地震仪器研制
2007/9—2013/8 美国麻省理工学院,地球、大气与行星科学系,地球物理学博士(导师:M. Nafi Toksӧz)
2004/9—2007/6 南京大学,声学研究所,声学硕士(导师:刘晓宙)
2000/9一2004/6 南京大学,电子科学与工程系,电子学和信息系统学士(导师:刘晓宙)
2023/3— 中国科学技术大学,地球和空间科学学院,地球与行星物理,专业主任
2017/12— 中国科学技术大学,地球和空间科学学院,教授
2013/11—2017/11 壳牌国际勘探与开发公司(休斯顿),地球物理研究员
2013/9—2013/10 美国麻省理工学院,大气与行星科学系,博士后(导师:M. Nafi Toksӧz)
1. 国家自然科学基金联合基金重点支持项目 “长宁页岩气开发区地震活动性实时监测与机理研究” ,项目负责人(2022-2025)
2. 科技部国家重点研发计划“川滇地区活动断裂三维公共模型与大震危险性研究”,课题负责人(2021.12-2024.12)
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目 “发展全波形震源定位和震源机制反演算法及对页岩气水力压裂诱发地震的研究”,项目负责人 (2019-2022)
4. 科技部国家重点研发计划 “综合地球物理联合反演与解释一体化平台建设” 子课题 “深地资源勘查被动源地震数据处理技术” ,专题负责人(2018-2021)
5. 2018年度校重要科研基地培育基金资助 (2019)
6. 中国科学技术大学重要方向项目培育基金 (2020)
7. 水力压裂微地震与微动成像横向课题(2020-, 2021- )
Shell Recognition Award, 2016
Shell Recognition Award, 2015
Shell Energy Fellow, 2012-2013
Saudi Aramco Fellow, 2012, 2013 暑期
南京大学优秀研究生奖学金, 2006
LG企业奖学金, 2003
54) Lei Li, Jiacheng Zhang, Yuyang Tan, Ling Peng, Junlun Li, JIncheng Xu and Jianxin Liu. Application and performance evaluation of the waveform stacking-based microseismic location method in the southern sichuan basin of china. Earthquake Science, 2025
53) Xuefei Han, Zefeng Li, Feng Liu, Junlun Li and Huajian Yao, Real-Time Local Shear-Wave Splitting Measurement: Application to the Vicinity of the Baihetan Hydropower Plant, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 2025
52) 邓宝,李俊伦*,方大为,张立树,倪红玉,不同类型光缆对地表和井中分布式声波传感信号质量的影响研究,地震学报,已接收
51) 方捷,姚华建*,李杰,李俊伦,周桂理,短周期线性密集台阵揭示宣城地区浅部地壳速度结构及断裂发育特征,地球与行星物理评论(中英文),2025
50) Hongyu Ni, Junlun Li*, Huajian Yao, Xianliang Huang, Lingli Li, Dongrui Zhou, Xiaoli Wang, Shuyuan Yu, Yuanchao Lu, Jianfang Yu, Haigang Zheng, Guili Zhou, Hanwen Zou, Wen Yang, Ming Zhang, Guoyi Chen, Ye Lin, Guanlin Peng, Zefeng Li and Haipeng Li. Preliminary study of the tectonic structure and seismogenic environment of the M4.7 feidong earthquake sequence on september 18, 2024 in hefei.(2024年9月18日合肥肥东M4.7地震序列发震构造和孕震环境初步研究), Earthquake Science, 2025
49) Hongyu Ni, Junlun Li*, Bao Deng, Jinyu Zhang, Yuanchao Lu, Yan Zhao, Jianye Chen, Peng Su, High-resolution shallow structures of the Red River fault zone in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau of China revealed by multiple seismic dense linear arrays, Earth and Planetary Physics, 2025
48) 徐勇,邓宝,田晓峰,倪红玉,段永红,肖本夫,李俊伦*,基于密集线性台阵地震被动源成像的渭河盆地西缘精细沉积结构研究,地质学报,2024
47) 缪思钰, 张海江*, 古宁*, 李俊伦, 谭玉阳, 华思博, 张勇,基于地震和InSAR联合反演2018年ML5.7兴文地震破裂过程,地震地质,2024
46) 郑雪静, 李俊伦*, 熊强青, 解建建, 李海鹏, 谭静, 刘增祺, 段涛, 主动源全波形反演在内蒙古居延海坳陷多资源勘查中的应用, 地球物理学报,2024
45) Feng Liu, Junlun Li*, Lei Fu, Laiyu Lu, Multimodal surface wave inversion with automatic differentiation, Geophysical Journal International, 2024
44) Mengke An, Derek Elsworth, Fengshou Zhang*, Rui Huang, Junlun Li, Zhengyu Xu, Zhen Zhong, Manchao He, Brittle sedimentary strata focus a multimodal depth distribution of seismicity during hydraulic fracturing in the Sichuan Basin, Southwest China, Tectonophysics, 2024
43) Zhuo Zhang, Jizhou Tang*, Jintao Zhang, Siwei Meng, Junlun Li, Modeling of scale-dependent perforation geometrical fracture growth in naturally layered media, Engineering Geology, 2024
42) Guoyi Chen, Junlun Li*, Hao Guo, Deep Generative Model Conditioned by Phase Picks for Synthesizing Labeled Seismic Waveforms with Limited Data,IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2024
41) 李成, 姚华建*, 邓宝, 李俊伦, 吕坚, 邹新勇, 张青, 陈斌锋, 付光明, 张国印, 欧晓斌,基于背景噪声方法的花岗岩型稀土矿地壳浅部结构特征及构造意义:以江西赣州安西矿区为例,地球物理学报,2023
40) 倪红玉,张若晗,黄显良*,李俊伦,郑海刚,洪德全,缪鹏,彭刘亚,鲍子文,地震背景噪声HVSR方法在城市场地响应特征和活断层探测中的应用,地球物理学报,2023
39) Junlun Li*, Jian Xu, Haijiang Zhang*, Wen Yang, Yuyang Tan, Fengshou Zhang, Lingyuan Meng, Yang Zang, Siyu Miao, Chang Guo, Zhenyue Li, Renqi Lu, Jianbao Sun, High seismic velocity structures control moderate to strong induced earthquake behaviors by shale gas development, Communications Earth & Environment, 2023
38) Yan Zhao, Junlun Li*, Jian Xu, Huajian Yao*, Gaohua Zhu, Hongfeng Yang, Jinyu Zhang, Renqi Lu, High-resolution velocity structure and seismogenic potential of strong earthquakes in the Bamei-Kangding segment of the Xianshuihe fault zone, Science China Earth Sciences, 2023, cover
37) 赵艳,李俊伦*,徐健,姚华建*,朱高华,杨宏峰,张金玉,鲁人齐,鲜水河断裂带八美—康定段精细速度结构及强震孕震环境研究,中国科学:地球科学,2023,封面文章
36) Yuyang Tan, Jiawei Qian, Jun Hu, Haijiang Zhang*, Huilin Xing*, Junlun Li, Jian Xu, Wen Yang, Ning Gu, Siyu Miao,Tomographic evidences for hydraulic fracturing induced seismicity in the Changning shale gas field, southern Sichuan Basin, China, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2023
35) 李振月,李俊伦*,姚华建,王宝善,2021年5月漾濞Ms6.4地震序列发震机理的应力分析,地球物理学报,2023
34) Haipeng Li, Junlun Li*, Song Luo, Terhemba Shadrach Bem, Huajian Yao, Xianliang Huang, Continent-Continent Collision Between the South and North China Plates Revealed by Seismic Refraction and Reflection at the Southern Segment of the Tanlu Fault Zone. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1029/2022JB025748
33) 杨文,刘飞,刘烽,陈国艺,李俊伦*,基于深度学习和无线传输的非常规页岩气压裂微地震实时自动监测,地球物理学进展,2023
32) Terhemba B S, Yao HJ*, Luo S, Gao L, Zhang H J and Junlun Li,P-wave velocity structure in the crust and the uppermost mantle of Chao Lake region of the Tan-Lu Fault inferred from teleseismic arrival time tomography. Earthquake Science, 2022
31) Guoyi Chen and Junlun Li*, CubeNet: Array-Based Seismic Phase Picking with Deep Learning, Seismological Research Letters, 2022
30) Haipeng Li and Junlun Li*, Elastic Transmitted Wave Reverse TimeMigration for Imaging Earth's Interior Discontinuities: A Numerical Study, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 2022
29) Yueqiao Hu, Junlun Li*, Haijiang Zhang, Waveform Energy Focusing Tomography with Passive Seismic Sources, Frontiers in Earth Science, 2022
28) 倪红玉,郑海刚 ,赵楠,邓宝,缪鹏*,黄显良,李俊伦*,基于密集线性台阵的背景噪声成像在明光市城市活断层调查中的应用,地球物理学报,2022
27)陈国艺, 杨文, 谭玉阳 , 张海江 , 李俊伦*, 基于机器学习和台阵相关性的水力压裂微地震事件自动识别及到时拾取 , 地球物理学报 , 2023
26) Shaobo Yang, Haijiang Zhang*, Ning Gu, Ji Gao, Jian Xu, Jiaqi Jin, Junlun Li, Huajian Yao, Automatically Extracting Surface‐Wave Group and Phase Velocity Dispersion Curves from Dispersion Spectrograms Using a Convolutional Neural Network, Seismological Research Letters, 2022
25) Bao Deng, Junlun Li*, Jiangshan Liu, Changming Shen,Junliu Suwen, Qi-Fu Chen, The Extended Range Phase Shift Method for Broadband Surface Wave Dispersion Measurement from Ambient Noise and Its Application in Ore Deposit Characterization, Geophysics, 2022
24)Junlun Li*, Huajian Yao*, Baoshan Wang*, Yang Yang, Xin Hu, Lishu Zhang, Beng Ye, Jun Yang, Xiaobin Li, Feng Liu, Guoyi Chen, Chang Guo and Wen Yang, A real-timeAI-assisted seismic monitoring system based on new nodal stations with 4G telemetryand its application in the Yangbi M6.4 aftershock monitoring in southwest China, Earthquake Research Advances, 2021
23)Lei Fu, Jingxue Guo, Junlun Li, Bao Deng, Guofeng Liu, Enzhao Xiao and Xiaofei Chen*, Imaging the ice sheet and uppermost crustal structures with a dense linear seismic array in the Larsemann Hills, Prydz Bay, East Antarctica, Seismological Research Letters, 2021
22) Jincheng Xu, Wei Zhang, Xing Liang, Jiaojun Rong, and Junlun Li*, Joint microseismic moment tensor inversion and location using P- and S-waves diffraction stacking, Geophysics, 2021
21) Yicheng He, Junlun Li*, Wen Tian, Zhiwei Li, Characterization of the near-surface shear wave attenuation in the Groningen gas field using borehole recording, Geophysical Journal International, 226(3), 2057–2072, 2021
20) 王悦,刘江山,沈长明,邓宝,苏文君柳,陈棋福,李俊伦*,密集线性台阵地震背景噪声速度成像及其在湖南沃溪金钨锑矿勘探中的应用,高校地质学报,2021
19) Haipeng Li, Jingyi Chen*, Zhencong Zhao, Junlun Li, A multi-axial perfectly matched layer for finite-element time-domain simulation of anisotropic elastic wave propagation, Journal of Seismic Exploration, 30(2), 2020
18) WenYang, Guoyi Chen, Lingyuan Meng, Yang Zang,Haijiang Zhang, Junlun Li*, Determination of the Local Magnitudes of SmallEarthquakes using Dense Seismic Array in the Changning-Zhaotong Shale GasField, Southern Sichuan Basin, Earth and Planetary Physics, 2021.
17) JianXu, Kangdong Wang*, Junlun Li*, Ning Gu,Ning Ding, Jiawei Qian, Wen Yang and Haijiang Zhang, High resolution tomography of the Tan-Lu Fault Zone near Hefei with passive seismic and magnetotelluric linear array data, Earthquake Science, 2021.
16) Yuyang Tan, Haijiang Zhang*, Junlun Li, Chen Yin, Furong Wu, Full moment tensor inversion constrained by double-couple focal mechanism for induced seismicity, Earthquake Science, 2020.(年度优秀论文)
15) Haipeng Li, Junlun Li*, Ning Gu, Ji Gao, Haijiang Zhang, Ambient Noise Surface Wave Reverse Time Migration for Fault Imaging, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JB020381
14) Junlun Li, Yueqiao Hu, Haijiang Zhang, Earthquake Waveform Energy Focusing Tomography with Least Squares Moment Tensor Imaging, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers 2020 (1), 1-5
13) Haipeng Li, Jingyi Chen, Zhencong Zhao, Junlun Li, A Multi-Axial Perfectly Matched Layer for Finite-Element Time-Domain Simulation of Elastic Wave Propagation, European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers 2020 (1), 1-5
12) Haipeng Li, Junlun Li, Ambient Noise Reverse Time Migration Based on Velocity Flood for Fault Imaging,European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers 2020 (1), 1-5
11)Ye Lin, Haijiang Zhang*, Yukuan Chen, Junlun Li, Source‐Independent Passive Seismic Reverse‐time Structure Imaging with Grouping Imaging Condition: Method and Application to Microseismic Events Induced by Hydraulic Fracturing, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 2019
10) Chris Willacy*,Ewoud van Dedem, Sara Minisini, JunlunLi, Jan Willem Blokland, Indrajit Das, and Alexander Droujinine, Fullwaveform event location and moment tensor inversion for induced seismicity,Geophysics, 2019.
9) Chris Willacy*, Ewoud van Dedem, Sara Minisini, Junlun Li, Jan Willem Blokland, Indrajit Das, and Alexander Droujinine, Application of full-waveform event location and moment-tensor inversion for Groningen induced seismicity,the Leading Edge, 2018.
8) Yuyang Tan, Haijiang Zhang*, Junlun Li, Chen Yin and Furong Wu, Focal mechanism determinationfor induced seismicity using the neighbourhood algorithm,Geophysical Journal International, 2018.
7) Junlun Li, Henning Kuehl, Alexander Droujinine, and Jan-Willem Blokland, Microseismic and induced seismicity simultaneous location and moment tensor inversion: Moving beyond picks with a robust full-waveform method,SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 2016.
6) Junlun Li*, Chang Li, Scott A. Morton, Ted Dohmen, Keith Katahara and M. Nafi Toksöz, Microseismic Joint Location and Anisotropic Tomography for Hydraulic Fracturing in a Tight Bakken Reservoir,Geophysics, 2014, doi: 10.1190/geo2013-0345.1
5) Junlun Li*, Haijiang Zhang, William L. Rodi and M. Nafi Toksöz, Joint Microseismic Location and Anisotropic Tomography using Differential Arrival Times and Differential Back Azimuths,Geophysical Journal International, 2013. doi: 10.1093/gji/ggt358
4) Tianrun Chen*, Junlun Li and M. Nafi Toksöz, Simulating Shear Wave Propagation in Two-Dimensional Fractured Heterogeneous Media by Coupling Boundary Element and Finite Difference Methods,Geophysical Journal International, 2013.doi: 10.1093/gji/ggt193
3) Junlun Li*, Jeffery Andrews-Hanna, Youshun Sun, Maria Zuber, Roger Phillips, Jeff Plaut, Density variations within the south polar layered deposits of Mars,Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, 2012.
2) Junlun Li*, H. Sadi Kuleli, Haijiang Zhang, and M. Nafi Toksöz, Focal Mechanism Determination of Induced Microearthquakes in an Oil Field Using Full Waveforms from Shallow and Deep Seismic Networks,Geophysics, 76, 2012.
1) Junlun Li*, Haijiang Zhang, H. Sadi Kuleli, and M. Nafi Toksöz, Focal Mechanism Determination Using High Frequency Waveform Matching and Its Application to Small Magnitude Induced Earthquakes,Geophysical Journal International,184 (3), 1261-1274, 2011.
1. 李俊伦,邓宝等。宽频带频散曲线提取方法、装置,2021,发明专利
2. 杨少博,张海江,古宁,高级,李俊伦。一种基于深度学习的地震背景噪声频散曲线的提取方法,2021,发明专利
3. 徐锦承,张伟,李俊伦。一种联合震源机制反演的地面微地震定位方法及系统,2022,发明专利
2. 杨文,2024年毕业,中石油东方地球物理公司西南研究中心,成都
1. 胡月乔,2023年毕业,地震局第二监测中心,西安
11. 赵艳,2024年毕业,巴黎地球物理学院(IPGP),法国
10. 刘烽,2024年毕业,上海人工智能实验室,上海
9. 郑雪静,2024年毕业,安徽省勘查设计院,合肥
8. 郭畅,2023年毕业,加拿大麦吉尔大学,加拿大
7. 徐勇,2023年毕业,地震局物探中心,郑州
6. 刘增祺,2023年毕业,地震局物探中心,郑州
5. 李海鹏,2022年毕业,美国斯坦福大学,美国
4. 何奕成,2021年毕业,江苏省地震局,南京
3. 王悦,2021年毕业,无锡市城市运行管理中心,无锡
2. 王哲,2021年毕业,安徽省勘查设计院,合肥
1. 丁成,2019年毕业,河北省地震局,石家庄
2. 王雨寒(少年班),2023年毕业,苏黎世联邦理工学院,瑞士
1. 胡沫(郭沫若奖得主),2021年毕业,美国加州理工学院,美国
1. Acta Geophysica, associate editor
2. 地震学报,副主编
3. 中国地震学会青年科技工作委员会,副主任委员
4. 中国地球物理学会勘探地球物理委员会委员
5. 2017 SEG Microseismic Workshop: Technologies and Applications,会议技术主负责人之一
6. Geophysics, Geophysical Journal International, Journal of Geophysical Research, Seismological Research Letters, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, the Waves in Random and Complex Media, Journal of Petroleum Science & Engineering等刊物的审稿人。