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高温高压实验岩石学、 熔体和流体的物理化学性质和作用




*Guo X., Li W.-C.,Zhang L., Ni H.W. (2022) Determination of the H2O-saturated solidus of albiteby electrical conductivity.Journal of Geophysical Research, 127, e2021JB023269.

*Li Y., *Guo X.,VocadloL., BrodholtJ.P.,Ni H.W.(2022) The effect of water on the outer core transportproperties.Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 329-330, 106907.

Yang B., Xia J.,GuoX.,Ni H.W.,Shahar A., Fei Y., Carlson R.W., *Qin L.P. (2022) HighP-T experimental perspective on Cr isotopic fractionation during planetary coreformation.Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 595, 117701.


Zhang L.,GuoX., Li W.-C., Ding J., Bai B.,*Ni H.W.(2021) Rapid Ag diffusion in graniticmelt: Implications for Ag mineralization and melt inclusion record.Geochimicaet Cosmochimica Acta, 310, 47-60.

Liu K., ZhangL.,Guo X.,*Ni H.W.(2021) Effects of sulfide composition and meltH2O on sulfur content at sulfide saturation in basaltic melts.Chemical Geology,559, 119913.

*Guo X.,Wang Q., Li B., Zha X.-P., Gong B.,Ni H.W.(2021) Electrical conductivity ofCO2and H2O-bearing nephelinitic melt.Journal of Geophysical Research, 126,e2020JB019569.


Li B., Zhang L.,*Guo X., Li W.-C.,Ni H.W.(2020) Electrical conductivity ofshoshonitic melts with application to magma reservoir beneath the Wudalianchivolcanic field, northeast China.Physics of the Earth and PlanetaryInteriors, 306, 106545.


Zhang L.,GuoX., Li W.-C., Ding J., Zhou D., Zhang L.M.,*Ni H.W.(2019)Reassessment of pre-eruptive water content of lunar volcanic glass based on newdata of water diffusivity.Earth and Planetary Science Letters,522, 40-47.


Guo X., Zhang L., SuX., Mao Z., Gao X.-Y., Yang X.-Z.,*Ni H.W.(2018) Melting inside the Tibetan crust?- Constraint from electrical conductivity of peraluminous granitic melt.GeophysicalResearch Letters, 45, 3906-3913.

*Ni H.W., Shi H., ZhangL., Li W.-C.,Guo X., Liang T. (2018) Cu diffusivity in graniticmelts with application to the formation of porphyry Cu deposits.Contributionsto Mineralogy and Petrology, 173, 50.

Duan Y., Sun N.,Wang S., Li X.,Guo X.,Ni H.W.,Prakapenka V.B., *Mao Z.(2018) Phase stability and thermal equation of state ofd-AlOOH:implication for water transportation to the deep lower mantle.Earthand Planetary Science letters, 494, 92-98.


Guo X., LiB.,*Ni H.W., Mao Z. (2017) Electrical conductivity of hydrous andesiticmelts pertinent to subduction zones.Journal of Geophysical Research,122, 1777-1788.

Zhang L.,GuoX., Wang Q., Ding J.,*Ni H.W.(2017) Diffusion of hydrous species inmodel basaltic melt.Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta,215,377-386.


Guo X., Zhang L.,Behrens H.,*Ni H.W.(2016)Probing the status of felsic magmareservoirs: constraints from the P-T-H2O dependences of electricalconductivity of rhyolitic melt.Earth and Planetary Science Letters,433, 54-62.

Guo X.,ChenQ.,*Ni H.W.(2016)Electrical conductivity of hydrous silicatemelts and aqueous fluids: measurement and implications.Science ChinaEarth Sciences, 59, 889-900.