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中科大地球与行星物理学术报告通知-Mark Chapman

报告地点:教学行政楼 706 会议室

报告时间:2024-11-08 从 15:00到16:30

报告人:Mark Chapman(TheUniversity ofEdinburgh)


Mark Chapman,爱丁堡大学地球科学学院教授,英国地质调查局高级研究员,爱丁堡大学勘探地球物理学课程主任,SEG 岩石物理研讨会技术委员会成员。主要研究方向包括岩石物理学、地震处理和成像及储层地球物理等领域。 Mark 教授获得过多个国际重要奖项包括 2009 年 EAGE颁发的杰出讲师奖,2010年勘探地球物理学家协会(SEG)颁发的地球物理最佳论文荣誉奖,2012年 SEG 颁发的杰出成就奖。

报告题目:Characterizing fracture induced permeability in a gas chimney using frequeney-dependent anisotropy


Gas chimneys are zones ofenhanced permeability, typically associated with high levelsof gas flux, but many of the mechanisms involved are unclear. Recent work in the Uk hasfocussed on characterizing a gas chimney in the UK through a unique anisotropy experimentThe proiect used Ocean Bottom Seismic with a variety of sources tuned to different frequenciesaiming to detect the frequency-dependence of anisotropy, Frequency-dependent anisotropy hasbeen tied theoretically to permeability and fracture scale lengths.

within the chimney and at a reference site. We measured shear-wave splitting and P-waveattenuation anisotropy, which varied markedly with frequency, with apparent correlation to fluidand fracture properties. Modelling ofthe results provided a plausible interpretation in terms ofthe fluid flow regime.