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报告地点:教学行政楼 923 会议室

报告时间:2024-08-22 从 10:00 到 11:30



常承睿,日本东京大学博士后研究员。本科毕业于兰州大学地质工程专业,博士毕业于京都大学地球与行星科学系;从事与地震、滑坡和火山等大规模地球物理过程相关的实验与统 计物理研究,近期主要集中于颗粒材料的摩擦行为、蠕变与破坏时间预报相关问题。

报告题目:1.岩盐颗粒介质剪切破碎引发的瞬态摩擦行为; 2.探索时间预报经验尺度律的物理背景


Probing the Physics of Empirical Scaling Law for Failure-time Forecast
Predicting when materials will fail or when natural hazards will occur involves complex physical processes and numerous parameters, making it a challenging task. Therefore, it is often necessary to rely on empirical approaches. One such approach, an empirical power-law scaling relation between velocity and acceleration, has proven effective and reliable for forecasting creep failure and natural events such as landslides and volcanic eruptions. While the power-law exponent is typically 2, it can evolve from 1 to 2 over time. This exponent is crucial for understanding the physical system and is essential for accurate failure-time forecasting. In this presentation, we will explore the underlying mechanisms through observation, experimentation, theory, and modeling.

预报材料何时破坏或自然灾害何时发生绝非易事,因其涉及复杂的物理过程和大量参数。因此,在实践中常常需要依赖经验方法。一种基于经验的幂律关系将变形速率与加速度关联起来,已被证明在预测滑坡和火山喷发等自然事件中具有惊人的普遍性和有效性。尽管该幂律的指数通常为 2,但它也常常从 演变为 2。这个指数是理解临近破坏的物理系统并进行准确预报的关键参数。在本报告中,我们将通过观测、实验、理论和模拟的方法,探索时间预报经验模型的物理机制。

Comminution-induced Transient Frictional Behavior in Sheared Granular Halite

Grain comminution is a prevalent phenomenon in a variety of geological settings. To better understand its influence on dry granular friction, we conducted shear experiments on breakable halite (NaCl) grains using a ring-shear apparatus at a constant slip rate under different normal stresses. Our experiments revealed distinct transient frictional behaviors: an initial regime characterized by a high friction coefficient at small slip displacements, followed by a weakening regime marked by a substantial decay in friction at larger slip displacements. The characteristic slip lengths for both regimes decreased with increasing normal stress and exhibited similar scaling exponents. Micro-X-ray tomography provided insights into the microstructural evolution, showing a transition from distributed grain comminution to progressive shear localization across these two regimes. In this presentation, we will explore the mechanisms driving these transient frictional behaviors and structural evolution, and discuss their geophysical implications for natural shear systems where grain comminution and localization are ubiquitously observed.