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大气科学前沿论坛 第五十三期


报告时间:2023年10月19日 9:30

报告人:孙文波 研究员


北京大学学士,国家海洋局硕士,加拿大Dalhousie大学博士。东海实验室首席科学家兼海洋环境感知中心主任,空天遥感装备技术研究所所长。从事大气遥感、海洋遥感,光散射与辐射传输和计算电磁学方面的研究。获得了 3 项美国发明专利,在SCI期刊和书籍上发表了 85 篇论文。作出了电磁散射仿真计算模式 3D PML/UPML FDTD,是加拿大Optiwave公司被世界广泛使用的光子设计软件OptiFDTD的核心代码作者,开发了NASA极化光辐射传输模式ADRTM,是卫星遥感海上不可见超薄云,全透光与全反射光子筛滤光片,和激光雷达遥感云中部分融化液滴等方法的发明人。浪漫主义诗人,主要作品为诗集《芳馨集》,《我看到风,拨动了湖面的星光》,和《回家》。美国国家航空航天局(NASA)杰出公共成就奖章获得者。

报告题目:Detecting superthin clouds over oceans with polarized sunlight


A novel method for detecting cloud particles in the atmosphere is reported in this talk. Solar radiation backscattered from clouds is studied with both satellite data and a radiative transfer model. A distinct feature is found in the angle of linear polarization of solar radiation that is backscattered from clouds. The dominant backscattered electric field from the clear-sky Earth-atmosphere system is nearly parallel to the Earth surface. However, when clouds are present, this electric field can rotate significantly away from the parallel direction. Model results demonstrate that this polarization feature can be used to detect super-thin cirrus clouds having an optical depth of only ~0.06 and super-thin liquid water clouds having an optical depth of only ~0.01. Such clouds are too thin to be sensed using any current passive satellite instruments.