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报告时间:星期五,2022-10-21 15:00 - 16:30



马晓冬,美国威斯康星大学-麦迪逊,地质工程博士;斯坦福大学地球物理系,博士后。主要研究方向为地壳应力,非常规油气储层地质力学和实验岩石力学。现为瑞士Bedretto 深部地下实验室地质力学负责人。2018年美国岩石力学学会(ARMA)未来领袖入选者,2020年获ARMA杰出贡献奖(首届)现担任国际岩石力学期刊Rock Mechanics Bulletin (RMB) 副主编,Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (RMRE) 编委,国际岩石力学协会(ISRM) 地壳应力与地震专委会委员。

报告题目:地应力、地壳强度与断层稳定性 – 经典库伦摩擦理论的适用性


Theassumption that the strength of the Earth’s upper crust is bounded by itsfrictional limit (i.e., the frictional equilibrium) is plausibly supported byin situ stress characterizations already made worldwide. In this context, the classicCoulomb frictional failure theory, employing the laboratory-derived frictionalcoefficient values, has enabled the estimation of in situ stress and faultcriticality, albeit with some degree of uncertainty. Despite doubts, this talkexplores several independent lines of field evidence that support the applicabilityof the classic Coulomb theory, and presents an innovative methodology to invertthe in situ stress, via data analytics. Both aspects corroborate the interconnectednessbetween in situ stress, crustal strength and fault stability.