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报告地点:Zoom ID:91230218895

报告时间:星期五,2022-06-17 10:00 - 12:00

报告人:朱铁源 (美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学)


Tieyuan Zhu is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Geosciences at Penn State. Dr. Zhu received his PhD degree from Stanford University in 2014, and MS degree from Chinese Academy Sciences Institute of Geology and Geophysics, and BS degree from China University of Geosciences. He received Best Student Paper from SEG 2013, and J. Clarence Karcher Award from SEG 2018 for his contribution in advancing seismic attenuation theory and practice in seismic exploration. Dr. Zhu’s research interes

报告题目:Towards real-time monitoring of geological stored CO2 plume from seismic waveform data


This talk will focus on recent development of data processing of continuous seismic monitoring data. I’ll start to review the status of seismic time-lapse seismic monitoring. Then I will show the research progress my group made of advancing time-lapse waveform data processing algorithms to quantify the CO2 plume from a single indicator to full 3D image. A single indicator is referred to seismic wave attenuation that is shown to, combining velocity, be useful to estimate CO2 saturation. Then, time-shifts from coda wave interferometry are likely indicators of total CO2 volume in the pores. To achieve full 3D geological image, I will show a newly developed time-lapse full waveform inversion using hierarchical matrix powered extended Kalman filter (HiEKF) for estimating seismic velocity and attenuation, and their uncertainty. The accuracy of the inverted model is increasing over time by assimilating more time-lapse data while the standard deviation is decreasing over lapsed time. Finally, I will discuss possible future topics of real-time seismic monitoring for continuously imaging the distribution of subsurface gas and fluids in the future large-scale CO2 sequestration experiments and reservoir management.