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报告时间:星期四,2020-06-04 10:00 - 11:30



Yingcai Zheng is an Associate Professor in seismic imaging and reservoir characterization, in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, at University of Houston. Prior to his joining University of Houston in 2014, he was a Postdoctoral Fellow and Research Scientist at Earth Resources Laboratory at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He got his Ph.D. in Geophysics from University of California Santa Cruz in 2007 and B.S. degree (2001) also in Geophysics from Peking University, Beijing.

报告题目:Deep earthquakes in slab anisotropy - the role of subducted carbonates and testable ideas


Why deep earthquakes are in subducted oceanic slab? By studying the non-double-couple seismic radiations of deep earthquakes, Li et al. (2018 nature geoscience) found that deep earthquakes are, like shallow earthquakes shear dislocations, but in anisotropic laminated fabric. In this talk, I’ll review these findings and propose possible origin of the anisotropy. Predictive testable hypotheses will be put forward for people to test the anisotropy idea.