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报告时间:星期四,2019-12-26 15:00 - 16:30

报告人:Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC)


Dr. Yongfei Wang is a computational seismologist focusing on simulations of dynamic earthquake ruptures and strong ground motions. He finished his Bachelor degree of Geophysics in University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in 2013. Then he worked with Prof Steven Day and Peter Shearer and obtained a PhD degree from the joint UCSD and SDSU Geophysics program in 2019. During PhD years, he received Paul G. Silver Young Scholar Research Enhancement Award from Green Foundation of IGPP and t

报告题目:Dynamic earthquake rupture application in unified seismic hazard forecast and analysis of Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC)


It is still challenging to fully mitigate seismic hazards due to big epistemic uncertainties on how often a damaging earthquake can occur (short-term and long-term earthquake forecast) and how strong ground motions generated will be. Dynamic earthquake ruptures in interseismic and coseismic period are feasible to provide 1) insights of dominant causative factors of occurred earthquakes (e.g., fault geometry, on-fault constitutive law) 2) physics-based constraints on numerical earthquake forecast and ground-motion models, 3) and supplements of near-fault (<10 km) ground-motion data that are severally lacked in the current ground-motion databases. Since two decades ago, SCEC has been making efforts to promote physics-based earthquake dynamics in long-term earthquake forecast model of RSQSim that are based on the rate-and-state friction in the complex fault system in Southern California (SCEC CFM) and dynamic ground-motion validation of TeraShake and Plastic-Terashake (SCEC CVM) in place of existing kinematic 1D/3D ground-motion validations (BBP and CyberShake). Among research priorities of SCEC, “Beyond elasticity”, “Complex fault geometry”, “Static- and dynamic stress transfer in coseismic and interseismic periods” and “Unified earthquake simulator incorporating many SCEC community models over short- and long-term periods” are particularly beneficial to systematic application of dynamic ruptures in seismic hazard forecast and analysis.