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报告地点:教学行政楼 923 会议室

报告时间:星期二,2019-11-19 16:00 - 16:30



导师: 胡岩

报告题目:The fault geometry and kinematics of 2015 Mw 7.2 Tajikistan earthquake in Pamir Plateau


The Pamir plateau, sited on the north of the Western Himalaya, is the collisional tectonics of two continental blocks. The west-east extension and north-south shortening of the interior Pamir was caused by the ongoing northern extrusion of the Indian plate. The western and central Pamir exhibits a higher faulting deformation, including sinistral strike-slip with northeast or north-northeast striking and extensional faulting. The Mw 7.2 Murghab, Tajikistan earthquake of 7th December 2015 is the first earthquake larger than Mw 7 documented by both the seismic and geodetic technical in Pamir interior. The mainshock attacked on the Sarez-Karakul fault zone (SKF), extending from south of Sarez Lake to north of Karakul lake. We collected five pairs InSAR interferograms and construct five line-of-sight displacements, including the ascending and descending orbits of ALOS-2 and Sentinel-1A. We process the seismic waveforms from the European Union (EU) and Global Seismological networks (GSN). We combine near-field geodetic observations and seismic waveforms to invert refined model about earthquake ruptures. Our results show that the geometry of the seismogenic fault is complex in striking direction (218° for the southern segment, 240° for the central segment, 212° for the northern segment) and rupture features present the different range from the pure striking to the mainly normal along the NS-SW fault trace. The length of the main rupture zone is up to 100 km and its slip reaches to the surface. The average slip is about 2.5 m and its area is in size of the 100 km × 20 km in length and width. The geodetic moment is up to 1.125 × 1020 N∙m, equivalent with a Mw 7.31. The distributed shearing and normal slip of the 2015 Mw 7.2 Tajikistan earthquake imply the tectonics and activation of the Sarez-Karakul fault system in the inland of Pamir. Furthermore, if we assume the 2015 Mw 7.2 Tajikistan earthquake to be the characteristic event on the Sarez-Karakul fault zone, the accumulated strain of the northern SKF should not be fully released by this strong event, and a potential seismic risk still exists in this region.