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Frontiers of Satellite Observations and Their Applications

报告地点:东区第五教学楼 5202教室

报告时间:星期四,2019-04-25 08:30 - 09:30




报告题目:1.Frontiers of Satellite Observations and Their Applications 2.Publishing with AGU


1.Satellite observations have revolutionized how we view and understand our home planet. This seminar present practical examples to show how to use measurements from satellite to understand the physical processes that govern the Earth’s atmosphere and ocean, and to address scientific challenges of weather and climate. 卫星遥感彻底改变了我们认识地球、理解地球的角度和深度。本讲座将利用多个实例以介绍 如何利用卫星观测去理解地球大气、海洋中复杂的物理过程;以及如何利用它去攻克解决天 气和气候研究中的诸多难点问题。 2.The preparation of a manuscript publication is a very important step in the communication of a research study and making a contribution to a specific scientific field. The purpose of this editorial seminar is to discuss how to approach and write a well-organized manuscript for a successful publication in the AGU journals. The topics will include: “AGU Journals, Impact Factors and Manuscript Types”, “Keys for Successful Submission”, “Keys for Reviewing Manuscript” and “’Secrets’ of how editors handle the review process”. 写作并发表高质量的学术论文,是所有科研工作者与同行交流并对科学界做出贡献的重要环 节。Dr. Jiang作为AGU旗下重要学术刊物的资深主编,和你分享如何正确组织、写作达到 AGU出版要求的手稿。特别讨论:“AGU杂志的分类、影响因子和学术论文的类型”、“正确 投稿的关键”、“审稿的关键”、“学术编辑处理审稿过程的秘密”。