报告时间:星期一,2016-05-16 09:00- 11:30
报告人:刘丽军 教授
报告题目: Cenozoic South American flat-slab subduction and implications on mantle dynamics, intra-slab seismicity, and magmatic evolution of the Andes
Flat slab subduction has major tectonic impacts on the temporal evolution of continents. However, both the causes and consequences of flat-slab subduction remain debated. To better understand the mechanisms of flat-slab formation, we simulate the post-100 Ma subduction history below South America using 4-D geodynamic models by progressively incorporating plate kinematics, seafloor ages and key tectonic features including the buoyant oceanic crust, continental cratons, oceanic plateaus (i.e. the inferred Inca plateau, subducting Nazca Ridge and Juan Fernandez Ridge), as well as deformable trench profiles according to recent geological reconstructions. We find that, in the absence of an overriding plate and subducting buoyancy features, the seafloor age affects slab dip angle by controlling the slab’s mechanical strength and negative buoyancy. The existence of a thick overriding plate reduces the slab dip by increasing dynamic suction, and individual cratonic roots further lead to along-trench variations of dip angle reduction. While dynamic suction from the overriding plate generates a permanent reduction of the long-wavelength slab dip angle, it is the final addition of subducting oceanic plateau and aseismic ridges that produces the transient and localized flat-slabs as observed (Hu et al., 2016).