
中科大地球与行星物理学术报告通知-Jeff Freymueller

报告地点:教学行政楼 1004 会议室

报告时间:2024-11-06 从 15:00到16:30

报告人:Jeff Freymueller(Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences Michigan State University)

报告题目:Geodetic observations and modeling of water mass changes related deformation and stress changes


Changes in hydrologic loads (mass transport) produces significant surface deformationand the mass changes associated with continental hydrology (including ice melting) featureinterannual variations and long-term trends that may be mistaken for components of a tectonicsignal. Mass variations also induce stress changes within the solid Earth, which may interacwith tectonic loading to inflyence earthguake occurrence, although some hydrologica changescause stress changes too small to be important, l willshow examples from Alaska and elsewhereof the impacts of loading deformation and its contribution to earthguakes stress transfer