

报告地点:教学行政楼706 (zoom ID: 990 0377 1034 passcode: 666777)

报告时间:星期五,2021-12-10 14:30 - 16:00


报告题目:Earth’s Energy Imbalance, Climate Change, and Habitability, an introduction


Earth is the only known terrestrial planet, which could host life. But the human beings never stop looking for the trace of life in the solar system and beyond. Water and Oxygen are the fundamental elements to support any kind or form of life. There are several ways to find the sign of life, for instance, to remote sense the atmosphere of the target planet in the solar system and look for the O2, H2O, and CH4, etc. But for the distance exoplanet, the most applied techniques are using the light curves measured during the occultation (eclipses). In which, the profile of the light curve could tell if the atmosphere contains oxygen or water. We can even go further to indirectly qualify whether the target planet is, was, or has been occupied by any form of living creatures or not through studying the rotation pattern of the planet. In this talk, I will briefly recall the radiometer and bolometer-based remote sensing system which is applied to monitor the energy imbalance of the Earth and explain why it is an important indicator of climate change and how it could be applied to characterize the atmosphere properties of the other planets. Furthermore, if the time is allowed, I will talk about the rotation dynamo of the terrestrial planet, which is another indirect evidence of habitability of the terrestrial planet.