报告地点:教学行政楼 706会议室
报告时间:星期五,2021-04-16 15:00 - 16:30
报告题目:Fault zone geometrical complexity and material contrast on earthquake rupture propagation: Observation and modelling
Seismic hazard analysis of continental faults is a difficult task due to many challenges. For continental faults, fault geometrical complexity and bimaterial contrast often coexist and the study on their joint influence is still insufficient.
In this talk, I will first explore how to identify hidden crustal seismogenic structures associated with the Leech River fault zone (LRFZ) based on seismic analysis incorporated with existing geologic data. Then, I investigate earthquake rupture propagation across the LRF step-over system based on 3D finite-element simulations, focusing on rupture jumping scenarios from the LRF to one of its neighboring fault systems. Finally, based on 2D finite-element simulations, I will show the joint influence of restraining fault bends and the bimaterial effect on rupture processes.