报告地点:教学行政楼1004会议室 腾讯会议(会议ID:411 4788 6096)
报告时间:星期五,2020-10-30 15:00 - 16:30
报告题目:Exploring frictional property of San Andreas fault and the implication for seismic hazard
Understanding the physical control along the fault is important from the perspective of both seismic hazard evaluation and fault zone rheology. Parkfield segment as a transition from creeping to locking along the San Andreas fault is marked by, besides the periodic M6 earthquakes, abundant deep low frequency earthquakes and deep slow slip event. In the framework of rate-and-state friction law, we use the long-term GPS data measured before, during and after the 2004 M6 earthquake to determine the frictional parameter. The data resolve apparent along-strike variation of friction parameter in the brittle upper crust [1]. On the other hand, the concurrent deep low frequency earthquake and slow slip event in Parkfield challenge our classical understanding of fault zone rheology, in which the middle crust is associated with stable creep preventing stress accumulation. However, taking shear heating during fault sliding into account, temperature-weakening effect in friction strength may lead to fault instability. Therefore, we consider rate-state-temperature dependent friction to model the deep fault behaviors in Parkfield. The results well explain the behavior of deep fault instabilities. The simulated deep faulting could locally rise the temperature by hundreds of degree, reaching the condition for partial melting of granite, which provides an alternative physical understanding for pseudotachylite observed below the seismogenic zone.