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Zhao, W., Zhang, X., Jia, G., Shen, Y., Zhu, M., 2021. The Silurian-Devonian boundary in East Yunnan (South China) and the minimum constraint for the lungfish-tetrapod split. Science China Earth Sciences 64, 1784-1797.

Zhang, G., Zhang, X., Li, D., Jiang, H., Xu, Y., Li,M., Shen, Y., 2021. Evidence for the expansion of anoxia during the Smithianfrom a quantitative interpretation of paired C-isotopes. Global and Planetary Change 204, 103551.

Hu, D., Zhang, X., Li, M., Xu, Y., Shen, Y., 2021.Carbon isotope (δ13Ccarb) stratigraphy of the Lower-UpperOrdovician of the Yangtze Platform, South China: Implications for globalcorrelation and the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event (GOBE). Global and Planetary Change 203, 103546.

Gao, Y., Zhang, X., Fang,C., He, X., Fang, Z., Zhang, X.,2021. Reconstruction of the Ediacaran sulfur cycle and oceanic redox evolutionin shallow-water regions of the Yangtze platform, South China. Precambrian Research 353, 106004.

Zhang, G., Zhang, X., Shen, Y., 2021.Quantitative constraints on carbon cycling and temporal changes in episodiceuxinia during the end-Permian mass extinction in South China. Chemical Geology 562, 120036.

Fang, Z., He, X., Zhang, G., Zhang, X., Shen, Y., Qin, L., 2021. Ocean redox changes from the latest Permian to Early Triassic recorded by chromium isotopes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 570, 117050.

Hu, D., Li, M., Zhang, X., Turchyn, A.V., Gong, Y.,Shen, Y., 2020. Large mass-independent sulphur isotope anomalies linkstratospheric volcanism to the Late Ordovician mass extinction. Nature Communications 11, 2297.

Zhang,X., Zhou, X., Hu, D.,2020. High-resolution paired carbon isotopic records from the Meishucun sectionin South China: Implications for carbon cycling and environmental changesduring the Ediacaran-Cambrian transition. PrecambrianResearch 337, 105561.

Li, D., Zhang, X., Hu, D., Li, D., Zhang, G., Zhang,X., Ling, H-F., Xu, Y., Shen, Y., 2020. Multiple S-isotopic constraints onpaleo-redox and sulfate concentrations across the Ediacaran-Cambrian transitionin South China. Precambrian Research 349,105500.

Gao, Y., Zhang, X., Xu, Y., Fang, C., Gong, Y.,Shen, Y., 2020. High primary productivity during the Ediacaran Period revealedby the covariation of paired C-isotopic records from South China. Precambrian Research 349, 105411.

Li, D., Zhang, X., Zhang, X., Zhu, H., Peng,S, Sun, L., Shen, Y., 2020. A paired carbonate–organic δ13C approachto understanding the Cambrian Drumian carbon isotope excursion (DICE). Precambrian Research 349, 105503.

Chen, K., Hu, D., Zhang, X., Zhu, H., Sun, L., Li, M., Shen,Y., 2020. Minor Δ33S anomalies coincide with biotic turnover eventsduring the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event (GOBE) in South China. Global and Planetary Change 184, 103069.

Zhang,X.,Gao, Y., Chen, X., Hu, D., Li, M., Wang, C., Shen, Y., 2019. Nitrogenisotopic composition of sediments from the eastern Tethys during Oceanic AnoxicEvent 2. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 515, 123-133.

Liu, X., Zhan, T., Zhou,X., Wu, H., Li, Q., Zhao, C., Qiao, Y., Jiang, S., Tu, L., Ma, Y., Zhang, J.,Jiang, X., Lou, B., Zhang, X., Zhou,X., 2019. Late onset of the Holocene rainfall maximum in northeastern Chinainferred from a pollen record from the sediments of Tianchi Crater Lake. Quaternary Research 92, 133-145.

Zhou, X., Liu, Z., Yan,Q., Zhang, X., Yi, L., Yang, W., Xiang,R., He, Y., Hu, B., Liu, Y., Shen,Y.,2019. Enhanced tropical cyclone intensity in the western North Pacific duringwarm periods over the last two millennia. GeophysicalResearch Letters 46, 9145-9153.

Rao, X., Sha, J., Peng,B., Zhang, X., Cai, H., 2019. Constraints of bipolar and tropical bivalve onthe northward drifting of the Indian Plate. Journalof Asian Earth Sciences 175, 68-73.

Lin, M., Zhang, X., Li, M., Xu, Y., Zhang, Z.,Tao, J., Su, B., Liu, L., Shen, Y., Thiemens, M.H., 2018. Five-S-isotopeevidence of two distinct mass-independent sulfur isotope effects andimplications for the modern and Archean atmospheres. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States ofAmerica 115, 8541-8546.

Li, D., Zhang, X., Hu, D., Chen, X., Huang, W.,Zhang, X., Li, M., Qin, L., Peng, S., Shen, Y., 2018. Evidence of a large δ13Ccarb and δ13Corg depth gradient for deep?wateranoxia during the late Cambrian SPICE event. Geology 46, 631-634.

Jiang, S., Luo, W., Tu, L.,Yu, Y., Fang, F., Liu, X., Zhan, T., Fang, L., Zhang, X., Zhou, X., 2018. The Holocene optimum (HO) and theresponse of human activity: A case study of the Huai River Basin in easternChina. Quaternary International 493,31-38.

Gao, Y., Zhang, X.,Zhang, G., Chen, K., Shen, Y., 2018.Ediacaran negative C-isotopic excursions associated withphosphogenic events: Evidence from South China. Precambrian Research 307, 218-228.

Zhang, G., Zhang, X., Hu, D., Li, D., Algeo, T.J., Farquhar, J., Hendersond, C.M., Qin,L., Shen, M., Shen, D., Schoepfer, S.D., Chen, K., Shen, Y., 2017. Redoxchemistry changes in the Panthalassic Ocean linked to the end-Permian massextinction and delayed Early Triassic biotic recovery, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States ofAmerica 114, 1806-1810.

Hu, D., Zhang, X., Zhou, L., Finney, S.C., Liu,Y., Shen, D., Shen, M., Huang, W., Shen, Y., 2017. 87Sr/86Srevidence from the epeiric Martin Ridge Basin for enhanced carbonate weatheringduring the Hirnantian, Scientific Reports 7, 11348.

Li, D., Zhang,X.,Chen, K., Zhang, G., Chen, X., Huang, W., Peng, S., Shen, Y., 2017. High-resolution C-isotopechemostratigraphy of the uppermost Cambrian stage (Stage 10) in South China:implications for defining the base of Stage 10 and palaeoenvironmental change, Geological Magazine 154, 1232-1243.

ZhangX., Chen, K., Hu, D., Sha,J., 2016. Mid-Cretaceous carbon cycle perturbations and Oceanic Anoxic Eventsrecorded in southern Tibet, ScientificReports 6, 39643.

ZhangX., Zhang, G., Sha, J.,2016. Lacustrine sedimentary record of early Aptian carbon cycle perturbationin western Liaoning, China. CretaceousResearch 62, 122-129.

Sha, J., Wang, Y., Pan, Y., Yao, X.,Rao, X., Cai, H., Zhang, X., 2016. Temporal and spatialdistribution patterns of the marine–brackish-water bivalve Waagenoperna inChina and its implications for climate and palaeogeography through theTriassic–Jurassic transition. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 464, 43-50.

Wang, Y., Olsen, P.E., Sha, J., Yao,X., Liao, H., Pan, Y., Kinney, S., Zhang, X.,Rao, X., 2016. Stratigraphy, correlation, depositionalenvironments, and cyclicity of the Early Cretaceous Yixian and?Jurassic-Cretaceous Tuchengzi formations in the Sihetun area (NE China) basedon three continuous cores. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 464, 110-133.

Zhang, G., Zhang, X., Li, D., Farquhar, J., Shen, S., Chen, X., Shen, Y.,2015. Widespread shoaling of sulfidic waters linked to the end-Guadalupian(Permian) mass extinction. Geology 43,1091-1094.

Sha, J., Olsen, P.E., Pan, Y., Xu, D.,Wang, Y., Zhang, X., Yao, X., Vajda,V., 2015. Triassic-Jurassic climate in continental high-latitude Asia wasdominated by obliquity-paced variations (Junggar Basin, ürümqi, China). Proceedings of the National Academy ofSciences of the United States of America 112, 3624-3629.

Loyd, S.J., Corsetti, F.A., Eagle, R.A.,Hagadorn, J.W., Shen, Y., Zhang, X.,Bonifacie, M., Tripati, A.K., 2015. Evolution of Neoproterozoic Wonoka-ShuramAnomaly-aged carbonates: Evidence from clumped isotope paleothermometry. Precambrian Research 264, 179-191.

Wang, Y., Sha, J., Pan, Y., Zhang, X., 2015. Early Cretaceousnonmarine ostracod biostratigraphy of western Liaoning area, NE China. Micropaleontology 61,135-145.

Pan, Y., Sha, J., Wang, Y., Zhang, X., Yao, X., Peng, B., Rao, X.,2013. The brackish-water bivalve Waagenoperna from the Lower Jurassic Badaowan Formation of the Junggar Basin and itspalaeoenvironmental and palaeogeographic significance. Geoscience Frontiers 4, 95-103.

Zhang,X., Sha, J., 2012. Sedimentary laminationsin the lacustrine Jianshangou Bed of the Yixian Formation at Sihetun, westernLiaoning, China. Cretaceous Research 36, 96-105.

Pan, Y., Sha, J., Fürsich, F.T.,Wang, Y., Zhang, X., Yao, X., 2012.Dynamics of the lacustrine fauna from the Early Cretaceous Yixian Formation,China: implications of volcanic and climatic factors. Lethaia 45, 299-314.

Sha, J., Vajda, V.,Pan, Y., Larsson, L., Yao, X., Zhang, X.,Wang, Y., Cheng, X., Jiang, B., Deng, S., Chen, S., Peng, B., 2011.Stratigraphy of the Triassic-Jurassic Boundary successions of the SouthernMargin of the Junggar Basin, Northwestern China. Acta Geologica Sinica 85, 421-436.